Ever since I finished this book, I’ve wondered what to say about it. What can I say that wouldn’t spoil some part of it for someone else? Also, what is there to say that the book doesn’t? How can I talk about what to take from the book as a writer? Even though I’m not really sure I can give this book the proper review, I will make an attempt. Earthlings Book Review.
Earthlings is by Sayaka Murata. This book is hard to pin down. I found it suggested by a horror novel reading group. However, it doesn’t fit nicely into any category. It’s part coming-of-age novel, in a really strange way, in other ways it talks about subjects that aren’t really discussed, but in an interesting way, that not only makes some of the horror more acute, but also makes it feel as though the character is real.
Earthlings Book Review

The main point this book was making, was a discussion about culture. And the topic of silence within that culture. How a simple action could brand someone forever, and could ruin their abilities to cope with life in a normal way. A simple action, done as a child, a frightened child; changes the entire course of several people’s lives.
The horror aspects, which it had to at least have some since I did it suggested in a group of horror enthustists, they weren’t an afterthought. But they also were not the main point of the text. This novel is talking more about the struggles that some people have fitting into society, and how, they can finally break from that struggle.
This book is a good example of an unreliable narrator. Unreliable narrators are best suited for a first-person point-of-view. This one was done in an amazing way. The audience can tell that there is something wrong with their narrator. But the narrator is likable in a way that makes the reader still want the narrator to come out on top.
This book is a great read for a writer who is looking for some insight about how to put horror aspects into a more literary book. Or for a writer who is looking to figure out how to write an unreliable narrator, or for a writer who is looking to write a piece that discusses a certain culture and the way that people interact. That is my Earthlings Book Review.
I didn’t want to spoil anything, so it is purposefully vague. Let me know if you would like to see some more detailed information than what I’ve put.