Religious Publishing

woman in white hijab holding clear glass cup

So I began to look into the different genres of publication. The one that I have little information about is religious publication. I am not a religious person, therefore I wasn’t sure where to start. I was able to grab some stuff about religious publishing. Here it is.

blue and green color abstract painting
Photo by Mudassir Ali on

If you would like to be traditionally published, and you have written a book about religion, you will need to submit a proposal to the publisher you want to use. The proposal would include what the book is about, what it will lend to the subject (i.e. why it needs to be published), and what your expertise is (why are you the person to write this book).

Here is a link to Harpercollins about this kind of publishing.

This is similar to how non-fiction publishing works. When you are looking to traditionally publish a non-fiction work, you would do the same thing. It makes sense.

woman in white hijab holding clear glass cup. Religious Publishing
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

I assume that if the work is a complete work of fiction, then maybe you would just find a different place for it to live, and just put the religious undertones in there. Like a work of fantasy, with a really heavy moral undertone? I know for the LDS religion, they have specific imprints that they use for the fiction that they approve for the consumption of their flock (don’t have a better word for that). So, I assume there are others for different religions. Although I’m not having much luck finding stuff at this time. I’ll update if I find some better requirement information.

Thanks for reading, sorry this wasn’t of more help.