Found Footage Horror Books

vibrant artistic abstract of spring flowers
Photo by Eugene Golovesov on

As an avid reader, watcher, and player of Horror over the past decade or so. The phenomenon of found footage horror books is not lost on me. I have enjoyed many of the genre and I find the idea of using found footage in a novel format to be interesting and, well, novel.

Let’s talk about the advantages of using this format.

Advantages of Found Footage Horror Books

In a novel, you don’t have to show everything visually. So you aren’t stuck with using the hokey “this footage was retrieved from…” There could be a journal entry, or an email. This can tell some parts of the story. These things really lend themselves well to storytelling.

Before tearing things apart, I do want to quickly remind everyone what the definition of horror is. These are books that are meant to terrify readers. They are the kind of books that don’t have a happy ending. They leave the reader with an uneasy feeling.

My favorite books in the Found Footage Horror Genre are:

House of Leaves

House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski: I’m pretty sure that this is the “classic” of the genre. I don’t know if there is another book out there that exemplifies that Found Footage Horror Book genre just quite the same way that House of Leaves does. It is a book that isn’t for everyone. It comes complete with pages that need to be turned upside down to read, and footnotes.

A quick description of this book: there is a tattoo apprentice named Johnny. He is given a trunk by his friend. The trunk is from the friend’s neighbor’s house. It contains the writings from the neighbor. The writings are about this documentary about this man who moved his family into a house that was bigger on the inside than the outside. The story that unfolds is quite the ride.

Episode 13

Episode 13 by Craig DiLouie. This one, is about the cast of one of those paranormal TV shows. The ones where the cast members go to haunted houses and “talk” to the ghosts at the location. This book is written as if it’s a screen play. I listened to this one, so I can’t say what the book looks like. But, needless to say, the ending of the book was very intense.

assorted books
Photo by Dom J on

I’m Thinking of Ending Things

I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reed. I don’t know if this one counts in the Found Footage genre, but I’m going to count it. This book is fantastic. I haven’t seen the show. Throughout the first 3/4s of the book, the reader feels like they are in the head of the protagonist. It is only at the end when the reader is shown the truth.


Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix: This one may not count as found footage, but I’m putting it here. There are these little epigraphs that show the reader parts of the catalog from the store. They give the book a feeling of found footage. Allowing the readers are able to almost interact with the store and see, via catalog entries, how it devolves as the story takes them deeper into the store.


The Found Footage Horror Book genre as a whole is hard to get just right. There are many ways to fumble it. Sometimes things get too complicated, or too unbelievable, and then readers get lost. But when it’s done right, the book can be beautiful to read.

I think that some of the techniques are used in any genre. “Found Footage” doesn’t have to refer to only horror, it can be any kind of book. I can see romance working well with little found items, or alternative history, or even sci-fi.

Is there a found footage horror novel book that you really like, or maybe one that I mentioned that you don’t like at all? Let me know! Thanks for reading if you made it this far!

52 Book Challenge 2023

Last year, I stumbled across the 52 book challenge 2023. I thought it sounded like a fun idea, and decided to give it a try. I’m a busy mom, and a full-time employee, so I wasn’t sure if I was up to the challenge. I wasn’t going to put too much pressure on myself. However, I did want to discuss what I got out of the challenge, where I ended up. And my favorite books of 2023.

a purple painting
Photo by Turgay Koca on

52 Book Challenge 2023

What I got out of it

There are several things that I got out of the challenge. The first one was to actually keep track of how many books I was reading. I have a tendency to read whatever I feel like, and possibly put a book down if I’m not feeling it anymore. This is mainly because, since I did major in English, I like to read for pleasure. The pure joy of the thing. But, with the challenge, I pushed myself to continue reading. This was a good thing, because a lot of books have those ‘saggy’ middles. But are completely worth the read in the end.

Another thing that I got out of the challenge was reading some books that I would have never picked up otherwise. Long gone are the days when I browse shelves reading the backs of books, or the inner covers, just looking for something that catches my eye. But, with this challenge, I was constantly on the lookout for a new book to read. Because of that, I was either in different forums searching for books, authors, even titles that caught my eye, or even looking through the Libby app for a book that just sounded good to me. This reminded me of being a kid in the library, just wandering around and discovering new books.

pile of assorted novel books
Photo by Min An on

I am a big reader of series, I have different authors who I follow and cannot wait for their next book to come out. I think anyone who is a lifelong reader has their favorites. But, because of the challenge I was able to discover new authors who I can now read their catalog, and also enjoy their newest works once they come out.


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52 Book Challenge 2023

Where I ended up

I did not read 52 books. As I mentioned, I didn’t want to put too much pressure on myself. I ended up reading 35 books for the year 2023. I did not count any audiobooks. I don’t know how many audiobooks I listened to. That works out to be 2.91 books a month. Which is not bad. I noticed when I was in the middle of the challenge that during the summer when I was busy in my garden and with my kiddos when they were out of school, I did not read as much. This challenge is something that was done for fun, and to keep track of the books that I was reading.

52 Book Challenge 2023

seven white closed doors
Photo by Pixabay on

My favorite reads

I read a lot of books that I enjoyed immensely in 2023. Some of my absolute favorites were: Station Eleven, The Sea of Tranquility and The Lola Quartet by Emily St. John Mandel, Piranesi by Susanna Clarke, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, Mister Magic by Kiersten White, The Running Graves by Robert Galbraith, Holly by Stephen King and pretty much all of Sarah J Maas’s work.

My favorite new author that I found in 2023 was Emily St. John Mandel. Not only did I read Station Eleven for the first time last year, but I also watched the series on HBO for the first time last year. I cannot stop telling people about how amazing the book and the show are. I am a fan of Emily’s. Her prose is spare and sophisticated, and she has a lovely way of thinking about the future and the past and life that just speaks to me.

I will be writing about each book later on. Did anyone else do the 52 book challenge in 2023, and did you read anything you didn’t expect to like but loved?

Station Eleven Book Review

I have been challenging myself this year to read a book a week. Since beginning this challenge, and exposing myself to many genres or literary novels. I have found some real gems that I would like to share what we can learn from their genius works. The first one I would like to discuss is Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. Without further ado, here is my Station Eleven book review.

This book falls into the dystopian genre, if you wanted to put it in a genre. However, it is more literary in the way that it was written. It begins with the end, if you will. The way that it is written, is what I would call non-linear. It is something that would take most readers by surprise. I think that most people have an expectation of a linear storyline, they want A, B, and C to happen in order, and then X, Y and Z wrap the story up at the end. That is how a normal story will advance, and what a reader expects. This story doesn’t work that way, but it does work.

Station Eleven Book Review


The story doesn’t choose to focus on a single character. It works by running through several categories. Each category starts off a section. The section will have characters, these characters may or may not know each other. They may or may not have been introduced in other sections. Each category brings up some important part of the world that we are learning about. We learn important tidbits quickly, like how the gasoline went bad. How people have to travel by foot.

Other categories take us back in time, tell us how the world ended. Some of them talk about before the end.

Photo by Philippe Donn on

Character Development

All the important characters, have lives that weave in and out of each others. The beginning of the book starts with a death, it’s this person’s death that is the glue that all the rest of the character’s lives spin off of. This is a moment that affects not only the world of the novel, but all the character’s lives.

Writer’s takeaways

The way that this book is written is very unconventional. As I said earlier, it’s not linear, it’s in categories. Each category is important to the world of the book. In addition to the categories, the book centers around characters that have rich backstories that the book discusses in detail. The book is interested in the ways in which each character handled the end of things, which varied, depending on the age of the character. The book also uses the end of the world to study the ways in which people will continue to gather, the ways in which smaller societies will develop as larger infrastructure crumble.

I think it is worth studying this type of work, looking at non-linear storytelling and how well it can work when it’s done right. And then looking at how important it is to care about the characters, even in a story with high stakes. A person’s life may be on the line, but, you need to care about them in order for it to matter.

Thank you for reading my book review of Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. Please let me know what you thought of the book, and if you think it was amazing as I did, Thanks!

Writing Goals, Reading Goals

I am one of “those people,” I make goals. I like to make clear goals for myself. I make goals, and I write them down. There are people who go a step farther and even tell other people about their goals. I don’t want to be the really annoying person who keeps bringing up their goals. I have found a few things that are really important when it comes to actually keeping resolutions, and/or new goals. I would like to talk about writing goals, reading goals, and in general, just making resolutions that matter to you.

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Photo by Velroy Fernandes on

Goal Making

Writing Goals

Making writing goals is easy, it’s just like any other goal, right? You can say you’re going to write 1000 words every day. Or you can say that you are going to write 50 words every day. Whatever it is, wonderful.

Now that you have your number goal. Think about time. How much time do you actually have to write every day? Do you have time to write every day? When are you able to write? Is it late at night? Or early morning? On your lunch break?

Once you have an idea of the time you have to set aside for writing. Does this change your number? If you only have a lunch break. You may want to give yourself a lower number, than if you have several hours in the morning.

Writing Goals: Reasons for Writing

Another consideration is the reason you are writing. Are you working on short stories, poetry, blog posts, a novella, a novel? For me, I am currently working on finishing a draft of a novel, and some blog posts. So when I am thinking about my word count goals. I usually have a smaller count for my novel, because I like to make sure I hit it. Then I finish at least one blog post each time I post.

If I were working on short stories or poetry, I would write a draft of a short story each time I sat down to write. I would say that you could probably get a polished story in a week or a month, depending on the length. With poetry, you could write several drafts of the same poem, or several poems in one writing session.

A good idea is to treat a writing goal just as seriously as you would treat learning a new skill, or building a new habit. Because that is part of what you are doing, you need to get into the habit of writing in order to reach those word-count goals.

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Photo by Pixabay on

Reading Goals

As the old saying goes, in order to be a writer, one must read. So, as the year begins anew, it is important to have reading goals. Personally, I have not had specific reading goals before. Usually I do things like “focus on reading classics” or “focus on reading outside the horror genre.” This year, though, I am doing a 52 book challenge. Which works out to be a book a week.

I think that goals are well done (like I’ve said) when they are written down, when they are specific, and when they are time based. I’m sure that many people have run into this method of goal-setting. I ran into it the first time, actually, at work. I’m pretty sure I rolled my eyes really hard at the concept, but I made the goals that were asked of me, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with trying to move your own life forward purposefully.

A thought on reading goals, when you read widely from authors that write well, that exposure is sure to find its way into your work. It’s like an artist studying celebrated works from Rembrandt or Dali, by investigating how those artists created their art, the budding artist is all the better for it. Their work doesn’t have to be the same as the ones who came before, but it’s okay to be influenced by those you admire.


Making them Matter

Every year, when New Year’s Eve comes around, peoples all over the world will give lip service to what they are looking for in their next year. All of us are looking to be a thinner, wiser, funnier, healthier version of ourselves. But, all of us are also guilty of making resolutions that we don’t care about. So, my advice, is to take some time now, tomorrow, before next new year to really think about what it is that you want to resolve to be. There are a million things out there in a world that you could resolve to do. I believe that what most want to do, and what we resolve to do, are two different things.

So, my challenge to anyone that reads this, is: next New Years, resolve to do something that you would love to do but haven’t yet. Something that will take time to do. Something that is hard to do, but maybe doesn’t cost you anything but time, and you will learn something from.

Art from Artist: What Does it Mean to Separate the Art from the Artist, and does it Mean Anything for Writers?

Recently, the idea of separating the art from the artist has been floating around a lot. It comes up when discussing movies, there’s always another director or actor who did something awful. In the fiction novel world, there are times when authors are found to have troubling beliefs or ideas, as well.


When this happens, there’s discussion around two schools of thought on the subject. The first is to not spend any money on the works of the author. The second is: separate art from the artist. The idea is that you–as a person, can take anything from the art that is out in the world. Yes, the ideas of the person behind that creation matter, but only to an extent.

Separating the Art from the Artist

The second school of thought is the one I subscribe to. There is a reason for it, personally, I would hate it if something stupid I said online one day, some idea I had was taken the “wrong way.” Or someone read too much into something I said. And, I was labelled in some way.

Art from artist
Photo by Steve Johnson

If someone is asking questions and seeking understanding, then there isn’t a reason to be judgmental. You don’t have to agree with their belief system to enjoy their creation. You can support your local library instead of them by just borrowing instead of purchasing, if you don’t want them to profit off of you.


To sum up, in my opinion, it is okay to enjoy the art made by a person who has troubling ideas if it’s inspirational to you. You don’t have to agree with their belief systems in order to enjoy their creations. Take what you will from their works, and leave anything that doesn’t inspire you, behind.

Thanks for reading! What do you think?

Book Review: Two for One

I’m enough of a dork to be a frequent visitor on Reddit. One of the sub-Reddits that I like to visit is called “horrorlit.” In this space, horror fans will ask for and receive book recommendations. I recently came across a post where the OP was requesting books with an unreliable narrator. I thought this was interesting. So, I took a look myself, and grabbed some of the titles to read. I ran through two such books fairly quickly. Because I read them back-to-back, I am reviewing them together, in this double book review post. Enjoy!

Book Review #1

I’m Thinking of Ending Things

I will start by reviewing Iain Reid’s I’m Thinking of Ending Things. It’s worth noting that there is a Netflix series made from this book. I’ve not seen the series. So, I won’t make any comparisons there. The plot of the book is simple, on the surface. It’s a journey/travel novel. A lot of the action takes place in a car, or at places that are unknown to the protagonist.

Book Review Cover

Once you reach the end, it’s hard to say whether the narrator is unreliable or not. Are they really that unreliable? Or are they simply playing out a fantasy? Do they believe the fantasy? Or do they understand everything that happened? You have to decide. The ending is not ambiguous, but the reliability or unreliability of the narrator, in my opinion, is up for debate.

The prose is incredibly precise, and the book is a work of art unto itself. Yes, I picked it out of a horror literature forum, and that’s probably where it’s shelved in a bookstore. However, based off of the character-driven plot and the beauty of the prose, this book is very likely considered literary.

If you are reading this book as a writer, and you are looking precisely at how to write unreliable narrators, this is a great book to read.

Book Review #2

A Head Full of Ghosts

So the next review, Paul Tremblay’s A Head Full of Ghosts, is a very different tale from the first. This one is the story of a crumbling family. There is a mentally ill sister, a suddenly religious father, a stressed mother, and a little sister who is witness. In addition to this, there is a camera crew who is there to record the family’s undoing.

Book Review Cover

This story is one that wants you to ask questions from the start. It invites you to try and figure out what’s going on. The argument for the unreliability of the narrator is made because she’s young.

But the narrator presents herself as reliable, and the readers never find any reason not to trust her. Even at the end, where the audience learns that things happened differently than everyone would have believed in the world of the book, she still doesn’t appear, to me, at least; to be an untrustworthy narrator.


At the end of the day, if you are looking to write something with an unreliable narrator. It is important to present evidence for the readers that shows the differences between the world the character sees, and the way things actually are.

In, I’m Thinking of Ending Things, the title itself has two meanings. By the end of the book, the tragedy of the whole thing crashes down on the reader. How much do I misunderstand? How much of a life can pass a person by? In A Head Full of Ghosts, much of the misunderstandings can be explained either by the youngness of the narrator, or by the fact that she wouldn’t have been told certain things, etc.

Both books are excellent examples of their genre. Both are stories worth reading, but only one has a truly unreliable narrator, even though they are both first person, which does mean that the narrators will be unreliable–to a degree.

Thank you for reading! Let me know if you enjoyed this double book review and if you would like to see more of this, or if you’d like to see something different. Thank you!

Earthlings Book Review

Earthlings Book Review Cover
Earthlings Book Review Cover

Ever since I finished this book, I’ve wondered what to say about it. What can I say that wouldn’t spoil some part of it for someone else? Also, what is there to say that the book doesn’t? How can I talk about what to take from the book as a writer? Even though I’m not really sure I can give this book the proper review, I will make an attempt. Earthlings Book Review.

Earthlings is by Sayaka Murata. This book is hard to pin down. I found it suggested by a horror novel reading group. However, it doesn’t fit nicely into any category. It’s part coming-of-age novel, in a really strange way, in other ways it talks about subjects that aren’t really discussed, but in an interesting way, that not only makes some of the horror more acute, but also makes it feel as though the character is real.

Earthlings Book Review


Photo by Anni Roenkae

The main point this book was making, was a discussion about culture. And the topic of silence within that culture. How a simple action could brand someone forever, and could ruin their abilities to cope with life in a normal way. A simple action, done as a child, a frightened child; changes the entire course of several people’s lives.


The horror aspects, which it had to at least have some since I did it suggested in a group of horror enthustists, they weren’t an afterthought. But they also were not the main point of the text. This novel is talking more about the struggles that some people have fitting into society, and how, they can finally break from that struggle.


This book is a good example of an unreliable narrator. Unreliable narrators are best suited for a first-person point-of-view. This one was done in an amazing way. The audience can tell that there is something wrong with their narrator. But the narrator is likable in a way that makes the reader still want the narrator to come out on top.

This book is a great read for a writer who is looking for some insight about how to put horror aspects into a more literary book. Or for a writer who is looking to figure out how to write an unreliable narrator, or for a writer who is looking to write a piece that discusses a certain culture and the way that people interact. That is my Earthlings Book Review.

I didn’t want to spoil anything, so it is purposefully vague. Let me know if you would like to see some more detailed information than what I’ve put.

Rough Draft Completed, What’s Next?

You’ve done it, all blood, sweat and tears have coalesced into the story that is (mostly) completed and told. Now, you’re wondering what to do now? What are the next steps to take in order to make your story shine and become its best self. Below, I will discuss those next steps, what to do after completing a rough draft.

Photo by Anni Roenkae

I have previously spoken about editing and rewriting. These are both important steps to take after you have finished your rough draft. However, today I’d like to talk about two other important steps to take after finishing a draft, these are letting it rest, and finding a beta (or even alpha) reader or readers.

Let it Rest

This step is only valid if you don’t have any deadlines. This works if you are a person who hasn’t yet been published, read: a person who hasn’t broken into the field by being traditionally published, or independently publishing your own work somewhere, meaning you don’t have anyone that is looking forward to your work. It sounds a lot simpler than it ends up being. The idea is to put your workaway for a while. My suggestion, work on something else. For me, there is always a new idea waiting in the wings. Take the time after you have finished your rough draft, but before you pull it out again, to start outlining a new project.

Edit and Rewrite

Of course, the middle step is to edit and rewrite until you can’t stand to look at it anymore. Since I’ve already talked about these steps before, I am not going to into a ton of detail here.

Photo by Edoardo Tommasini

Alpha and Beta-readers

After you have taken the story to the point where you can’t get it any more polished. It’s time to bring on outside readers. Alpha readers are people that you trust to look over your story and give you advice while you are in the rough draft stage. So, these are people who understand that the story is either incomplete or barely complete, and will forgive typos and plot holes. They are the people that you can go to who will get excited about the story’s potential, and who will help you make it better in the beginning stages.

Beta readers are the next phase, they are the people who will help you take the story to a level you could not take it to on your own. These are people who will be able to catch the things that you are unable to catch yourself, simply because you are too close to the story.

A word on both of these types of readers, DO NOT ASK FAMILY to do this. ASK FRIENDS with caution. You do not want to have people looking at your work who are close to you, personally. You want an outside eye. Not only that, but you want the type of reader who knows your genre, not a reader who thinks it’s great that you finished the novel. It is not helpful to have mom, whose so impressed by you, read it and tell you it’s lovely. That gets you exactly nowhere. You need a person who can tell you if they see the twist coming a mile away, or a person who can tell you when the story is boring; those kinds of things are helpful.

Thank you for reading! Let me know if you would like articles about different types of things, or more of this.

Survive The Night Book Review

I came across Danielle Vega as an author on social media. She was in a list of female horror authors, one of many. I wrote her down, and made a goal to check her writing out, along with the others on the list. I checked out Survive the Night from my local library on my Kindle. Not only that, but I went into the book “blind,” having not looked at any other reviews, or even what the book was about, I liked the name and the cover. Here is my Survive the Night book review.

Photo by Bruno Thethe

This book is YA. I didn’t expect it going in. I should have known that there is young adult horror, but for some reason, I just didn’t. The main features of this book are: the protagonist’s pain, her addiction (although, I would argue that she almost has that forced on her) and toxic friendship, and a big ol’ monster. Let’s look at these one-by-one:


The protagonist (Casey) and her pain is something that is ever-present in the story. It takes a backseat, but colors her worldview as she moves throughout the tale. She grits her teeth against it, she fights it, it almost gets her, it is the thing that nearly wins. Her pain is a shadow, a monkey-on-her-back. It’s another character.

Survive the Night Book Review

Survive the Night Cover


The story of Casey’s addiction is told through memory. WSe know this story is about addiction from the beginning, but we only see her addiction through flashes. It makes us wonder, is she really addicted? Or did her parents overreact like she keeps on saying, it layers the story with that infamous unreliable narrator feeling. Is she addicted, or does she only think she is? How can someone so young be addicted to something besides their phone?

Toxic Friendship

The heart of this story lives in the friendship between Casey and Shana. It takes minutes to realize that Shana is not a good person. This part of the story, along with the strange romance between Casey and her ex-boyfriend, reminded me why I don’t read YA anymore. However, the toxic relationship, one that you would hope would only happen during those teen-years was heartbreaking, yet relatable. Shana and her larger-than-life antics, her “look at me” ways, reminds all of us of people we know or knew. Their relationship is the one that kept the pages turning.

The Monster

Why pick up a horror novel if there isn’t going to be something horrific? This book certainly delivers. Although the simple prose may not have been something that I was expecting (that’s what I get for not knowing anything about the book beforehand). The monster lurking in the water, something straight out of a Lovecraft story, was something beyond any kind of hopes I had for the novel. I was thinking of a knife-wielding killer, but to get an actual monster? It was so much more than I could have hoped for.

I would say that this is a book for you if you are an actual teenager. Better yet, if you are a female teen who likes scary novels, this book would be a wonderful read. Or, I guess, if you are a writer of teenaged scary novels, this book would be a good read for you. That concludes my Survive the Night book review. Here’s a link to buy it, if you’re interested: Survive the Night

What Books to Read as a Writer

Last time we talked about books, we talked about how to read like a writer. Today, I want to talk about what books to read, as a writer.

First off, you need to know what kind of writer you are. Are you a literary writer, a genre writer, do you write middle grade, or young adult? If you aren’t sure yet, then the answer is to read as much good writing as you can. If you know, then see below.

Photo by Susanne Jutzeler


An author who is looking to get traditionally published in any genre, will need to have comp (comparable) titles for their work. These titles need to have been published recently (in the last two or so years), and exhibit something that is similar to your own work.

It could be that a story about a girl who learns about herself, in a young adult work, or maybe the tone and narrative voice are really similar to your own, even if the plot and characters are different. You need two of these when you are at the query stage.

With this in mind, as a genre author, you will need to read books within your genre. You need to read enough genre books that you have a good idea what the regular tropes and clichés are that regularly show up. In short, what do writers of the genre expect?

Sometimes, you will be told to stay away from your own genre while you are writing it. I think this really depends on the author. If you find that your work is becoming derivative as you are writing, simply because you are reading things that are similar to what you are writing; then see my next suggestion.

Photo by: Ksenia Chernaya


Any writer worth their salt should be able to discuss many classic novels. You don’t have to have read everything, but you should be well-versed in the classics (or canon) and you should understand the forerunners of your own genre and why those books are considered the first. For a horror author, you will want to read Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, H.P Lovecraft, and Edgar Allen Poe, among others. A mystery writer will need to read Agatha Christy, and Arthur Conan Doyle, among others.

You can always look up a list of classic authors, and start reading. You can find authors that you like their writing style and read those.

If you are a literary author, you will want to look to your contemporary peers and read their work. There are lists of award winners in the literary world, and that would be where you would want to start looking for books that will work for you. This also works for genre authors. All genres have their own awards that celebrate great writers. These lists are easy to find:

Here is a Wikipedia page with that shows all the awards. The list is lengthy:

The answer to what to read, is read a lot, read good writers and find award-winning writing. But, if you are looking for those tricky comps, look in your genre!

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you want more of this kind of stuff, or something different.