At this point, I’ve been playing Elden Ring for around a hundred hours. I’ve beaten the first boss, Margit. And the second boss, Rannela, with her weird egg. And now, I’ve also gone and done a beating [on] Radahn.
I found that the area after Stormveil Castle. The Academy of Raya Lucaria was particularly difficult. I ended up having to farm runes. I did this several times before I was levelled up enough to get through the Academy and those sorcerers.
After the Academy, Caria Manor was relatively easy, and then going into Caelid was scary, but doable.
But, Radahn?

He was the hardest boss I’ve faced so far. I’m not certain how many times I fought him. I kept jumping off my horse, Torrent. It wasn’t too hard to get the strategy down for fighting him.
The strategy is simple, but the execution is hard. The strategy (at least for me) is to grab all of the NPCs available, and then shoot Radahn with either Loretta’s Great bow or Rock Sling. Keep riding around and keep grabbing the NPCs as they become available. Stay out of his range, run if needed, and shoot at him every chance you get. It was using this method, and by being very careful, that I was finally able to beat him. Every time I got close to him, he would kill me. Using this method, I was able to beat him. If I can beat him, anyone can beat him. It really takes patience and willingness to change your attack method as you figure out what works.
When I finally beat him, it was a surprise. I wasn’t expecting it would happen.
Going into the depths and getting the mimic wasn’t very difficult. This game is weird because sometimes things will be so hard, that I have to find another way, or look up a strategy, but then, other things will be surprisingly easy, and I’ll get through it without a problem. It’s this weird balancing act where sometimes I’m so frustrated at how hard it is, and then I feel awesome because of how good I am.
At this point, I’m in Volcano Manor, but I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to finish it. I also need to go to the Shaded Castle. And then, I suppose it’s up to the Capital. That’s after the Lake of Rot, once I find that Mushroom outfit, of course.